The Ten Commandments Of Donnie

Presenting a list of ten rules written by a man much smarter than thou:

Any true gentleman should not only consider holding these commandments close to their heart- he should also seek to make a priority of carrying Donnie’s virtues with him at all times…

The X Commandments Of Donnie

1: Condoms- like taxes- are always optional.

2: Women are objects and should be treated as such. 

3: France is terrible and should be condemned.

4: Anyone who says Citizen Kane is their favorite motion picture is a dick. The only 6 films that matter in history are the 5 movies in the Jason Bourne series and Scarface.

5: There is no reason to not make her sign a prenup. Just do it.

6: Title IX is a joke and anyone who supports it supports communism. 

7. Thou shall never, ever, ever bet on the New York Jets.

8: The ketogenic diet is a myth. If bread is so bad for you, why did Jesus eat it? Checkmate, nerds.

9: Consent, by definition, is the absence of a firm “no.”

10: It should go without saying, but it is necessary to remind you: No fat chicks.

May God be with you all.

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